My Tripod Page

"Who controls Barter Town?"

Supposedly Master Blaster does until Max kicks his ass in that dome thing, but this is Cyber Town. On the edge of nowhere, three stop lights and a left at the Kwiki-Mart, three miles out of Springfield, just before South Park. It is kinda..... a suburb of Anytown USA. The combatants may come from other places we are more familiar with such as, Miami, San Francisco, London, etc.... But they all gather here in Cyber Town to meet twice a week for for a little action.

"Bust the deal, spin the wheel!"

NO, NO, NO, NO, a thousand times NO! This is professional wrestling, deals are made to get busted. But I am glad you brought up the rules aspect.There are a few but it is all simple.

Basically.................... anything and everything goes.

To a point.

There are no annoying little countouts should one or both combatants leave the ring either on their own accord or with a little help.

There is a 10 count before any illegal holds are broken by the referee.

illegal holds or moves are:
1) Choking
2) Eye gouging, eye raking , thumbs to the eyes etc.
3) Usage of the ropes to gain an advantage
4) Outside interference
5) Foreign objects. ( Only tables and chairs made in the good old USA are allowed think I'm kidding , right?)

A warning is constituted by a completed 10 count by the referee. The referee will only issue three warnings, on the fourth warning the violator is disqualified and the match is forfited.

Pins are determined by a 3 count.
If a submission hold cannot be broken by the count of 20, the match is called by the referee and the wrestler applying the hold is the victor.

Matches will be held on every Tuesday and Friday. All matches on Fridays will be feuds, title matches or speciality matches. Tuesdays are the undercards. PPVs will be held three times a year. The PPV match outcomes will be poll driven, you the viewers determine the outcome. Throughout the year polls will arise and you the viewers will determine outcomes and directions the angles between various wrestlers take.

Welcome to Cyber Town. Enjoy the stay.

"Two men enter. One man leaves!"


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